
Xornadas de presentación e seguimento da Oficina Técnica do Pacto dos Alcaldes polo Clima e a Enerxía

A Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Vivenda a través da  Dirección Xeral de Calidade Ambiental e Cambio Climático, comprácese en convidalo ás seguintes Xornadas de presentación e seguimento da Oficina Técnica do Pacto dos Alcaldes polo Clima e a Enerxía que terán lugar nas fechas sinaladas:


1 de outubro ás 11:00h

Salón de Actos da Biblioteca/Casa de Cultura (Rúa Villa Amparo, 23)


Rencontres des villes du transport gratuit - Cities Meeting on Free Public Transport

Organised by the Urban Community of Dunkirk
From the 1st of September 2018, Dunkirk (France) will become the largest French and European conurbation (with 200,000 inhabitants) to offer a totally free access to its bus network...

To celebrate this event and promote the exchange of experiences and knowledge on fare-free public transport systems, the Urban District Council of Dunkirk will hold its first Cities Meeting on Free Public Transport on the 3rd and 4th of September.
